About Us

Our vision is that all people who use drugs will have access to evidence-based treatment where and when they need it.

CA Bridge is a program of the Public Health Institute in Oakland, California. Our goal is to transform addiction treatment by ensuring that every hospital in California provides 24/7 access to evidence-based care, treating substance use disorder (SUD) like any other life-threatening condition. 

The CA Bridge Academy—hosted by Relias Learning—was developed by a team of clinicians and other experts working in the fields of addiction and emergency medicine. Our comprehensive library of courses for clinicians, nurses, and navigators provides FREE CME and CE units and trains healthcare professionals to provide low-barrier access to life-saving addiction treatment.

CA Bridge Academy's courses are also featured in the UCLA ISAP/PSATTC On-Demand Course Catalog, where you can find complementary courses on additional topics such as social determinants of health and criminal justice.


Our Model

The CA Bridge model advances evidence-based medications for addiction treatment (MAT), particularly buprenorphine, which reduces relapse among people suffering from opioid use disorder. Lowering barriers to treatment, we eliminate unnecessary tests and provide patients in withdrawal with immediate relief from withdrawal symptoms. Once patients are stabilized, they are better equipped to engage in a conversation about long-term treatment with a substance use navigator—a peer from the community, often with lived experience. Using a harm reduction perspective that emphasizes rapid, patient-centered care, our model is proven to work effectively in any hospital setting. Find out more at cabridge.org.

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